Made in Germany and Europe

The design of the products for self and external treatment have their origin in the practical work on patients. In modern times, it is often necessary to continuously self-regulate in order to prevent health issues.

So just auto correct your Flow.

Your blood flow, your lymph flow, the flow of your nerve signals. In short, the flow of your energy!

Our goal is to provide you with the perfect tools for the job. Their high quality and efficiency, make the Acuflow tools ideal for all professional or private applications.

Tim B. Raav

is an osteopath, physiotherapist, alternative practitioner and coach.

Since his youth, he has been studying various methods and procedures from Western and Chinese medicine,

the nutritional sciences and sports.

His goal is to bring a functional medical view of the body to as many people as possible. For this purpose, he has developed various tools. With a few very effective tools, bodily dysfunctions can be sustainably treated and in many cases cured.